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The vision of NTCS is to cultivate excellence in the spiritual and academic growth of our students thereby creating an environment where each student can flourish while discovering their individual purpose in the Kingdom of God.

New Testament Christian School

2558 East US Highway 90

Madison, FL 32340-5826

Phone (850)973-3877

FAX (850)973-3804

Letter from Administrator

It is hard to believe another school year is upon us. It will be an exciting year with new things to learn. We will be welcoming new students and staff as well as expanding our sports program. I look forward to the Jr. Student Convention where younger students will showcase their talents in sports, arts, and academics. I am also excited about additional projects we’ll tackle in our life skills and shop class for older students. Many of our students proved last year to have had their best year yet in their academic studies. I believe that our students will continue to excel, and I am excited to see their accomplishments. As we begin the 2023/2024 school year my thoughts are on teaching our students to be strong in the Lord and in their faith. The scripture in Jeremiah 17:7-8 comes to mind.
“Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.”
A tree’s strength to stand is found in its roots. I desire that our students will stand firm in their faith when temptations and struggles come and that above everything else, they will put their trust in God alone. This is only possible if they have been rooted and grounded in God’s Word.
Our focus for the coming school year will be in strengthening our roots through our Bible-based curriculum, chapel lessons and Bible teachings. Our hope and expectation is to see our students stand as firm as a strong tree in a windstorm, that no matter what comes they will be blessed by the Lord and bear much good fruit.
We all look forward to our students returning and to the new year ahead.


Shannon Kinsey

Shannon Kinsey


Sharon McClune

High School Advisor

Melissa Maurice

Learning Center Supervisor

Mia Rodriguez

Learning Center Monitor

Kaitlyn Register

Math Teacher

Rebecca Riegsecker

School Secretary

Justin Riegsecker
